Sunday, 22 May 2011

It's not all about you

Ok, this is gona sound weird or horrible, but it's true - not everything is about you.

I think we all have bad days/weeks, when nothing goes right - and you start to feel like the whole world's turned against you.  But trust me, it hasn't.  Some days are just downright crappy, but it happens - and it happens to everyone.  I'm not saying that you shouldn't pay heed to it - when stuff happens, of course it's important to you and why wouldn't it be?  But don't expect it to be the most important thing to everybody else.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Mistakes are ok!

I used to kick myself, mentally, every time I made even a little mistake - it felt like the end of the world.  But really, if you never make a mistake in life then do you ever really learn anything?  Now that I've got a bit more perspective on things, I've come to realise that mistakes are a necessary part of life and we should embrace them.