Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Not sure if I can cover this one in a short post!

This can apply to so many things, but it's been something that always comes back to me - although it's not always obvious at the time!

I think the key thing here is to remember - if you want something to happen, don't just sit back and wait for it to come knocking on your door....get out there and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

It can apply to that dream career you've always wanted, that person you secretly fancy or just taking the next step in your life.  It's all too easy to sit in your comfort zone and daydream about all the things you want in life, but here's a question - what's stopping you from actually getting those things?  Are there actual obstacles in your path, or have they been imagined by your self-doubts?  I always seem to picture The Devil tarot card in these situations - most often, the only thing holding us back from getting what we want is ourselves.  But start believing you can do it, and I'll bet you can!

There is, of course, another meaning to this topic.  It can help you spot genuine people, and those who you need to be wary of.  It's such a simple thing, but it's easier said than done - if you've got people in your life that maybe cause even a little niggle, trust your instincts and I bet you've picked up on a sub-conscious level that maybe what that person's saying doesn't quite match up to their actions.....for example, the partner who's forever putting you down, telling you they could walk away at any moment and they'll have hundreds falling at their feet, that you are the lucky one to have them - well let's just look at that for a minute, shall we?  If what they say is true, then why haven't they left already?  Why isn't the door being knocked down by other potential suitors looking for a bit of action?  Exactly!  They're only telling you these things because they themselves are insecure, and afraid that you'll leave them!

And what about the "friend" who says she'll always be there for you, that you're like a sister to her?  Except she seems to show more interest in your boyfriend, stirring up trouble and feigning suicidal thoughts for attention....yep, I've been there too!

These people may talk the talk, but the way they act is a better insight into the person they truly are... So if someone's acting a bit shifty in your life, don't let their words distract you - a genuine person will have body language and actions to match what they say, and it's highly likely they won't be changing their personality like a chameleon...

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